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How to Play Drift Boss
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drift bossさん (2024年09月24日 13時29分)
Drift Boss is a driving game that is both exciting and easy to
play. In this game, you drive a vehicle down a track that is
twisting and unending. Just a basic rundown on how to play is as
1. Get the Event Started: Open the game in the browser you are
using. Websites such as https://driftbossgame.co/ may be used to
locate it.
2. Controls: To turn your automobile to the right, use the space
bar after clicking the left mouse button. When you let off of the
wheel, your vehicle will turn to the left.
3. The objective is to remain on the track. Since there are no
guardrails on the track, it is essential to time your movements
carefully in order to prevent going off.
- Accumulate Coins: Accumulate coins as you go through the
game in order to gain points, which may then be used to unlock
new vehicles and improvements.
etingjournalistさん (2023年10月03日 17時30分)