Last November 24members of our party took part in “The Meeting of Theme Activities in Yamaguchi・Shimane area.” We played “The Ant and The Grasshopper” in English there.
今回の私たちの発表は、6歳から17歳 計24名で作るありとキリギリスです。
In Tabuse’s kiddies class, we held an event called “The Ant and The Grasshopper” fashion show.
We enjoy the story at our usual party’s class. And after that we listen to the CD “The Ant and The Grasshopper” in both English and Japanese at home. These daily activities make kids to be able to play in both English and Japanese. That is LABO’s “Theme Activities.” Probably kids would hate to listen to English if they had to just memorize English. It is the most important attitude for the parents to let kids to be able to enjoy the story and listen to it pleasantly over and over again. And after that at last they can express whole the story with their bodies and words.