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有意義なホームステイ体験を 09月12日 (水)


What do you do in America?
I spend some of my free time volunteering with 4-H, Master Gardeners, the Master Food Preservation program, and a local foods group. Local foods is trying to help people reconnect with where their food comes from and to have access to healthy food. It’s helping people learn how to garden, how to process food, how to preserve foods, and also how to take care of the earth when they are gardening. Working with this is interesting for me, especially because I’m interested in gardening, people being self-sufficient and being able to provide for themselves. And I think it is good that we don’t have to depend on food that comes from another part of the country or other countries.

4H(アメリカの農務省と各州の州立大学が共同で運営している青少年教育団体)の活動や、Master Gardenersという園芸の普及活動や食品の保存プログラム、そして地域の食について考え実践するグループにボランティア活動として関わっています。Local Foods グループは、人々を食べ物の生産地とつないだり、地元でとれた安全な食べ物を手に入れられるようお手伝いしています。また、庭づくりや食べ物の加工や保存、また土の手入れの仕方を学べる場になっています。私は庭づくりや自給自足の生活にたいへん興味があるので、この活動にも興味深く関わっています。そして外国や他の地域からの食べ物に頼らずにすむことはいいことだと思います。

Please introduce about your activities in 4-H
I am involved in 4-H in a few different ways. One way is that I’m president of the board of directors for our county. I’m working with all the policies and plans, the calendar for 4-H and decisions. The second way I am involved in 4-H is as a project leader. There are 80 different projects kids can be in, in Wisconsin 4-H. They range from computers, to robots to many kinds of art, to writing, to sewing, to growing things just for a few examples. I work mainly with the outdoor adventure project and the photography project. In the outdoor adventure project, I teach kids fishing, canoeing, hiking, camping skills, wildlife habitat and so on. Another way I am involved in 4-H is by being a chaperone on local, state, national and international trips. I enjoy the opportunity to be with the youth and help them have some new experiences and develop their leadership skills. This year I am chaperoning my first international 4-H trip.


Impression of Japan:
This is my first trip to Japan. Our family has hosted some students and chaperones from Japan over the last several years. We have really enjoyed hosting Japanese people and learning about Japanese culture and language. It has been a great family activity.
(Before I came here) I felt like people would be very giving and kind because all the people I have met from Japan have been so nice and thoughtful. I have met many Japanese people during my home stays and activities and I am so impressed by the generous spirit of the Japanese poeple. I thought there would be a lot of people in Tokyo because I have watched some videos about Japan and seen pictures of all the people in the street. And it is true there are a lot of people in Tokyo. I heard that the food would be really good. The foods have been so tasty!

日本に来たのは今回がはじめてですが、私たちの家族はこれまでの数年間に日本の子どもたちと引率者を受け入れてきました。受け入れはとても楽しく、彼らから日本文化や日本語を学び、それは私たち家族にとってすばらしい経験でした。来日前の私の日本に対する印象は、人々がとても寛大で親切なことです。なぜならこれまで私が出会ったすべての日本人が親切で優しかったからです。来日してからも多くの人に出会いましたが、日本人の思いやりの心にはとても感銘を受けました。また、ビデオや写真などを見て、東京は人の多いところだと思っていましたが、そしてそれは本当でした! 食べ物はとてもおいしいと聞いていましたが、本当においしく口に合います。

New experiences in Japan:
I’ve been to the countryside with my host family and I got to see some beautiful scenery. And I learned more about Japanese history and culture from going to some museums. Riding on the trains has been an experience. It’s efficient but very busy and crowded. I’ve been like a sardine in a very full can sometimes and it is quite interesting having more sardines added (laughs). I’ve also been driven places; it was very busy and a bit scary going so close to all the people, bikes and motorcycles. Anyway, transportation is a challenge.


About LABO Nihongo class
For the first four weeks of my trip the student delegates and I attended Nihongo classes in Tokyo to learn about the Japanese language and culture. We stayed with a host family during that time. In Nihongo classes, teachers have been really creative working with the students. We had a lot of different activities using various learning techniques which help engage different kids who learn in different ways. That’s been good. We have been to Asakusa, Harajuku and a tea ceremony as a field trip. On each field trip, we had assignments to try to encourage us to talk in Japanese to Japanese people to find out answers to questions. That was very interesting.


Comments on Experiences of delegates
Many of them got lost (laughs). It was interesting hearing how they figured out where they were going. At first they were helped to learn their travel routes by their host families; after that they were able to figure out where they go mostly on their own.
A lot of the delegates who came here are interested in Japanese clothing fashions, animae, manga and the language and the food. They are very interested in Japan, so I was excited as their chaperone to watch and see what they are learning and thinking about it.
Most of the students had a good time with their host families. They enjoyed going places together, eating meals together and just hanging out with the family doing normal family activities. Some students wish that their host siblings were around more. A lot of Japanese kids are very busy with studies or sports and the delegates don’t get to see them as much as they would like.


Most important thing for sharing life with a family from different culture
Be flexible. Know that you are going to make mistakes and not understand each other. For both the visitor and the host, be ready to give and take; try to communicate in another way.
Be willing to try new things, such as new foods, a new schedule, new words, new places. I also think it is important to not insist on doing things in a certain way because that is how you have always done it. Know things can be done in a different way than you are used to. I think that being curious is helpful, too.

まず、柔軟な姿勢でいること。失敗することやお互いに理解し合えないこともあるということを知っておくこと。そしてホームステイする方も受け入れる方も、give and take であることを認識し、お互いにいろいろな方法でコミュニケイションをはかろうとすることがたいせつだと思います。また、新しいこと、たとえば新しい食べ物、予定、ことば、場所に、積極的に挑戦すること。それから、ふだん自分がしていることに固執しないこともたいせつだと思います。ふだんと違う方法で物事がなされてもいいんだと知っておくことが大事です。好奇心をもつことも、ホームステイを楽しめることにつながるでしょう。

Message for the Japanese delegates and host families
For the Japanese delegates;
Beside hosting with my family, I have met and visited with many host families who have hosted Japanese students. So I have heard a few suggestions. Work on using your English. Do not be afraid to make a mistake. You know more English and will do better than you think. The host families are very patient and will try to help you. Expect that your host family will want to show you many things about their culture, teach you things and take you places. Some families who are involved with 4-H, may take you to the 4-H fair, 4-H club meeting or 4-H project meeting. Those are good places to get to know more people. And your host families will be very excited about you cooking for them. That is always a high light. So be ready to cook something. Lastly, be yourself and enjoy yourself!


For the Japanese host families;
First, thank you very much. That is very kind of you to open your home to the delegates. Please treat them like your own kids and live your life like you normally do. The youth want to experience real Japanese life. A lot of them want to learn how to cook Japanese foods. Teach them things like origami and games that you play here. Have fun with them.

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