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涼子 いよいよチェコへ! 02月14日 ()





I just came back from wonderland of Praha to Youth-Hostel.
It is too hard to tell you about everything I am feeling while this journey!!!(I will do it later when I have more time)
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GREAT to meet wonderful people. Especially in Youth-Hostel.


 Last night, I joined in a group of 5 Arjantina (aruzenchin in Japanese) and 2 Australian. OMG! They were SUPER NICE and sooooooooooooooooooo friendly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually assamed of myself. I need to be more aggressive to be like them!!!! :P hahaha That was soooo great of meeting them!!! I will send the picture of them later.

Today, I went to wonder around in Praha. I was so tired of watching so many musiums in London, so this time, I decided just to walk around with my feeling. So then, I had sooooooooooooooo great time. First I have got a park, so peaceful place, and got Prague castle and cathadol( I guess...haha. :P I was too lazy to check a map, even it was in my bag. :P) Any way, there were 2 guards in front of the huge entrance. I wanted to take the picture of them, but they were toooo creepy, so I couldn=t put my camera-s lense to them. But you know what?! They were not so scared, cause they were coughing, and the eyes were moving around, (they were not too strict to be stand straight. :P not like the one I saw in Canada) So I just couldn-t stop smiling(laughing) at them. Kind of CUTE! haha so funny!(Hope you can picture the view in your mind, it must be hard, though). There were so many tourist, I wished I am being alone in the hugh awesome cathadol..The tourist were just taking picture each moment, I didn-t like it. THEY should just feel them, and put the picture in their mind!!!! I think it-s gonna be more worth sometimes.

The view was nice, but I guess pictures are better than real. It was as it is. I was more amazed at pretty smans-white birds (they were so cute!!). They came super close to me, and sooooo many! And beautiful.


Some people were friendly, but some didn-t even speak any. I don-t think people don-t really smile here. feel fake smile sometimes. But some were really nice. I always like talking with new people. But I REALLY think that if I can speak Czech, people would talk with me more. Any way, not sure about it yet. let-s see.

Tonight I am going to see MARIONET SHOW(puppet show).
As I bought 2 marionet puppets(traditional puppet in Czech) and those costed 50 dollar...I kind of feel I spent too much, maybe, so NEED TO SEE THE SHOW too!! To make my puppets more worth for me!!! haha

I cannot raed Japanese with this computer, so if you send me in Japanese, it-s gonna be later to send you back email.

Any way, I have so many things to talk to you, (And also I need to tell you what I did in the last days in Germany!!!! That was absolutly great actually!!!!) but I guess you gonna get bored of reading too long email, so will finish it for now!!

Tomorrow, I am going to see Ondra and his family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!!
Chao, Ryoko
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