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生物と家庭科の授業?(涼子ドイツの高校にて) 02月03日 (火)


ghet es ihnen? ich bin gud! shoun!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday we went to SPA(kind of pool) with Mareen and her friends! I really liked the outside one, and we had snow at the moment, so in the hot water but snow is coming down to us and can see the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (We can see much more stars than in Japan, so I just so surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO COOL!) that was just perfect!!
And I had wonderful time there. So many new experiences!! 泊めてくれたマリーンと
Today Mareen brought me to her high school(gymnazium), and I was so comfortable there, cause we had art class first and there were frineds that I already knew from yesterday´s spa, and they can speak English so well, and if I get bored, I can do sudoku or write diary, so that finished so fast! And so now, I have been to Japanese, Canadian, British, and German high school!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha. Yep, I am feeling lots of new things, and that gives me lots of new ideas for my life.

And this evening, Mareen brought me a special event held by her biology class. We did operation for fish.解剖の後の料理?

I mean cut the fish skin and bone, and watched the brain!!( yes!experiment!!:D) 解剖の後の料理? And after we checked the fish brain, we cooked it, and ate it for supper!!! OMG; that was so fun!!!!!!!

Tomorrow, I am going to school again. but that´s gonna be harder, cause she has German class!!:P Maybe I can learn more German!!haha

any way, I just feel I am just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can be that cool?!?!?!
Danke shön!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

P.S. oh, yea, this morning was the fastest to go out in my Europe trip so far. at 7:30.
but tomorrow is gonna be 7:15.
So I shall sleep now!!!!.D

Gute nicht!!! with love, Ryoko
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