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hey >>返事を書く
Shihoさん (2006年02月18日 01時02分)

you have various TAs now? that’s sounds fun!!
i’m SO looking forward to seeing Kayano Party after i go back to Japan!
are you gonna host an exchange student next summer?
or recommend to labo family?
i think that’s good idea to be involved international things more!!
shingo is going to US this summer :-)
i’m excited!
my mom works 4-H program now for this summer,
and we have many 1month kids in Hardin County.
she’ll be coodinator of them.
and we have 1 japanese girl for 1 year in Kenton high school next year.
i’m glad!!
they don’t decide who is coming yet, but we will find in April!!
my stay is more 4months!
it’s too fast!
Re:hi >>返事を書く
ほっぺさん (2006年02月08日 19時56分)

Thank you for your message.
“Alice In Wonderland”is so fun. We enjoyed it. I love this
story. Now we enjoy various stories every week.Next week we’ll
do ”The Kindergarten Elephant”. Do you wanna join us?
Thank you for your Party-Dayori & picturtes.
I showed them it. They enjoyed it very much.
As for Korean girl, I saw her on a picture.
She looked older for her age, 5th grade.
I hear she had homesick. But it’s better because the Labo Papa
can speak Korean. She stayed just 1 night. It’s too short.
I’m going to recommend Labo International Exchange this summer.
Today it’s so cold in Kagoshima.
Take care.
hi >>返事を書く
shihoさん (2006年02月08日 00時58分)

hi, are you guys having fun in your TA”Alice in wonderland”?
i’m glad to hear you enjoy it!
i wanna join you~!
how was korean girl?
was she nice?
i bet that family had fun with her.
in america, we had ”super bowl” last sunday.
it’s the biggest football game in america!
everyone was excited and we enjoyed it.
pittsburgh won.
so,pittsburgh is the champion in america!!
football is a very big sport in the U.S.!
we have snow now.
it’s so cold here,in Ohio!
i guess you have a cold weather,too in kagoshima.
don’t you?
so,take care!
Re:hey >>返事を書く
ほっぺさん (2006年01月20日 19時15分)

Thank you for your message.
Yes, I’d like to rewrite this HP.
But I don’t know how to change. hmmmm・・・

The other day we enjoyed phone call.
On that day how funny!!

Party Labo kids are all good.
Now we do the theme activity ”Alice In Wonderland”.
It’s fun!
Tomorrow a Korean girl will stay with one of them.
The family is so excited!!
On Monday Labo we can hear them. Wow!
Take care.
See you.
hey >>返事を書く
Shihoさん (2006年01月10日 00時31分)

you guys are silly. lol
of course i was laughing during i was reading your message.
did you get money on christmas!?
that’s sad!
no dream!
but i know you love money. money is your favorite.
i bet you were so happy.
so, how is Kayano Party?
is it good?
i bet you guys have fun! Kayano Party’s members are nice! :-)
have fun!
PS. you should tell mom that she’d better rewrite this HP. it never changed since it
was established.
Hi,Shiho!!! ・ >>返事を書く
MAHOさん (2006年01月05日 15時28分)

I haven’t seen you for a long time.
Hou are you???
You got 30 christmas presents!?
I can’t believe!!!
I got only 2 present and money.
But I’m very happy!!!:-)
I could enjoy shopping(with mom...OEee)!!!:-P
HA-HA-HA!!!Are you laughing now???
I’m laughing now!!!I’m crazy!!!HA-HA-HA!!!
I sent e-mail just now.Did you read???
And we tried call you just now,too.
But OHIO is midnight!!!HA-HA-HA!!!
I will write again.See you soon.
hey >>返事を書く
Shihoさん (2006年01月05日 01時05分)

hey guys! how are you? i’m good.
i had a big christmas day in america. it was so cool! i got 30 presents on that day!
isn’t it amazing!? i spent with my host family and relatives and i was so happy :-)
but in america, new year is not big. almost nothing. they celebrate the moment of
turning to 2006,but not on new year’s day.
well, see you soon!
Re:Wow! >>返事を書く
ほっぺさん (2005年11月10日 18時38分)

Thank you for your message.
Yes, we enjoyed Halloween!
Next we’re planning for Christmas.
On Nov. 23rd we’ll have Theme Activities by junior & senior high
school students. This year Labo kids in Kagoshima will challenge
”The Westward Odyssey”. Oh, you want to join them?! I know!!
We are going to Kumamoto.
Well, enjoy Thanksgiving Day! And tell us how it was.
Take care.
Wow! >>返事を書く
Shihoさん (2005年11月10日 00時52分)

I’m glad to hear that you guys enjoyed Halloween Party! It sounds SO exciting!! I
wanted to join you! This year, you have many NEW things! I think every kids enjoyed
In America, I enjoyed ”trick or treat”,too! I gave treats to many kids. They were so
cute!! They were princess, spider man, ghost, pumpkin.....I could see many dresses!
And that day was Halloween costume day, so some students wore halloween
costume! They were funny!
And on Nov.24, we have Thanks Giving! I can eat Turkey!!
ハロウィーン盛り上がりました(*^v^*) >>返事を書く
ほっぺさん (2005年11月09日 15時23分)

「ねぇ、どんなことするの? どんなことするの?」と、子供達より大ワ
クワク!! 当日はキュートな天使になって、パパといっしょにゴースト
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